Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP)

Addressing Current Challenges

Public policies addressing key challenges of our time, for instance sustainable use of natural resources, urban development, energy, and the ICT revolution, rely heavily on new knowledge generated by natural, engineering, and social sciences. ETH Zurich, one of the world’s leading universities, can and should play an important role in this realm.


Starting in September 2015, the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) will enter a 4 year pilot phase. The ISTP will be dedicated to supporting public policy-making processes via education of future policy analysts and decision-makers; via exchange of information among scientists, policy-makers, and other members of society and via innovative and productive trans-disciplinary research collaborations.

Collaboration and Interaction

The ISTP puts particular emphasis on collaboration and interaction with non-academic partners. An international visitors program will bring policy-experts, decision-makers and experienced academics to ETH Zurich. Research projects will be developed and implemented in partnership with relevant stakeholders from government, civil society and the private sector.  

Participating Departments

The ISTP is an interdepartmental institute in which the follwoing departments currently participate: D-ARCH, D-BAUG, D-CHAB, D-ERDW, D-HEST, D-GESS, D-INFK, D-MAVT, D-MTEC and D-USYS. The ISTP is open for new members and actively seeks collaboration with scientists from all ETH departments.

Master's Program

The ISTP will also offer a new MSc program in Science, Technology and Policy.

D-GESS participates with the following professorships:

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